October 6, 2011

Day 14...Just keep pedaling

Start of Day 14

Today was supposed to be an easy day with an estimated cycling distance of 50 miles and no tough climbs. HA!!! Well, we ended up riding 60 miles and faced more than a few steep, steep climbs. I'm not going to lie, today was tough. I was very fatigued. So was Kevin. We grunted our way through each mile and focused on keeping the pedals and odometer movin'.  At least it was another dry, sunny day, 75 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. We rode from Christiansburg, VA to Wytheville, VA. Along the way we passed a stray cow that escaped from a paddock, an array of barking dogs, Virginia Tech, many halloween-themed houses and an endless stretch of mountains hugging us on either side.  We met up with Jim and the RV at around 3:30pm. We found a wonderful community center in Wytheville and went for a swim, soaked in the hot tub then took a long hot shower before a yummy lentil soup meal. I'm tired and will sleep well for sure.

Cow on the loose!
Halloween House
Cruising by VTech


  1. As hard as today was you guys look fabulous ! The Halloween House is hysterical!I bet it looks great all lit up at night. I honestly can't imagine doing what you are doing .Not that I wouldn't want to. I do not believe I have it in me for as many days as you have already been out there .I actually can't wait to read what happened to you guys
    each day when I come back in at the end of the day !

  2. Thanks Karin! And, from what I've seen with your dedication and focus, you definitely have it in you! It was a bit brutal today and I'm wiped. I am so happy that you take time to read the blog every day. I spend a fair amount of time while on the bike thinking about what I'm going to write later in the day and the moment I get off the bike, I'm uploading photos and typing away. I have a commitment to my blog and my family and friends who are reading each day! xx

  3. I just posted on Kevin's blog I felt sorry that he didn't have anyone posting to him.
    Get some sleep eat some more This is all so darned cool. Later gator !

  4. Way to go Emi! You will only be stronger by pushing through a tough day! Keep up the good work.
